What is your Higher Self? (+ How to Connect With it) brain intuition

Your higher self is your pure consciousness, existing only in the present moment. It’s you without the constructed identity, unattached and unconditioned by external forces.

Your higher self is your internal guide. It knows exactly why you chose to be here and the mission/ purpose and life...

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Ego vs. Higher Self: What's The Difference? ego

What is your ego?

Your ego lives in the subconscious part of your mind, the part that runs on autopilot. Every memory and experience in your entire lifetime exists in this space, therefore your ego self is basing every decision out of fear of past experiences.

The ego’s only objective is to...

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Conscious Mind vs. Subconscious Mind: What's The Difference? brain healing

Did you know that 95% of your brain activity is subconscious and outside of your awareness?

Yep, that means that most of the time, we're all running around on autopilot, doing the same things and thinking the same things over and over.

Only 5% of the time are we conscious of our thoughts and...

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What Is The Ego? (+ Is It Bad?) ego
Your ego is the constructed self - it’s your identity based on how you see yourself in the external world. Your ego lives in the subconscious, the part of your mind that operates on autopilot, like a computer program.

The ego is what most people label as your personality because it...
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7 Tips For Setting Healthy Boundaries healing transformation

Setting boundaries has been the most challenging thing I’ve had to do since beginning my personal transformation over a year ago.

For someone who was once a people pleaser, I never set limits for myself. In order to restore balance, healing my inner child from that feeling of abandonment by...

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7 Signs You're Addicted To Stress stress

The hormones of stress are highly addictive. They cause us to pick the worst thing in our future, emotionally embrace it and be prepared for it. Anything less, there’s a better chance of survival.

When you’re living with stress, you focus your attention on 3 things: your environment,...

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Why Put Labels On Mental Health? anxiety emotions

We are brought up in a society that puts labels on everything. When it comes to mental health we are conditioned to believe that there’s mental illness, therefore people who become a certain way because of a genetic disposition.

Here’s the honest truth:

These are the people who are...

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7 Signs Your Anxiety is Attached to Abandonment anxiety

Abandonment is one of the biggest triggers for the patterned stress response we feel with anxiety.

I was abandoned by my father as a child. Even though I don’t have any memories of him, there were a number of behaviours that formed part of my personality back then, all in an attempt to keep...

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Short-Term vs Long-Term Effects of the Fight-or-Flight Response on Your Body anxiety healing stress trauma


My body has been running off fight or flight nervous energy for most of my child and adult life. From a very young age I always felt on edge. Of course as a teenager I thought this feeling was normal.

This energy resulted in me being very...

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5 Steps To Processing & Releasing Suppressed Emotions emotions healing

As a child and young adult I struggled to process and release my own emotions. I often resorted to distracting myself and partaking in toxic habits to take the edge off and numb or avoid feeling my emotions. The more I suppressed my emotions, the more anxious and overwhelmed I became. This...

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Are You Putting Trust In Your Ego? ego emotions

The ego is not your best friend. It does not have your back, it isn’t being honest with you, and it will continue to manipulate you in order to keep you in a familiar space or environment. 

The ego is always watching for threats outside of the known, so it will attempt to take your...

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6 Steps To Healing Generational Trauma healing trauma

Most of us can trace our ancestry back to grandparents or great-grandparents immigrating in hope of a better life for themselves and their children. In my case, my grandparents from both sides of the family decided to move to Australia in the 1960’s to escape poverty and political injustice...

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