(without having to win the lottery, retire,
or be insta-famous!)











Tell me, does this sound familiar?

You're the kind of person who works hard, does what's expected of you, and gets sh*t done.

You're always busy (and always tired). Your days are packed from start to finish with work, meetings, appointments, happy hours, practices, classes, and social obligations. 

You spend a lot of time wondering: how did I get here? What is this all for? What should I be doing with my life?! Surely there's more out there than this.

You scroll Instagram constantly, without even realizing you're doing it half of the time, and you can't seem to stop. You follow beautiful people who travel the world and traipse around in stylish clothes, then return to beautifully-curated homes that look like the stuff of Pinterest dreams (how do they do it?).

You fantasize just for a minute about quitting your job and flying to Europe on a one-way ticket... or about what it would be like to wake up at whatever time you want each morning and have full control over how you spend your days (ahem, definitely NOT sitting in traffic or stuck at a desk for 9 hours straight).

But then you push these thoughts aside and go to work again the next day, rinse, and repeat - because after all, money doesn't grow on trees (... or does it? 🤔).

Here's what they never told you in school: there are other options besides taking the conventional path in life.

Sure, some people are well suited for a life of striving for traditional milestones (i.e. graduating university, landing an office job and working your way up the corporate ladder, getting married, buying a house, having 2.5 kids, retiring at age 66).

But many of us aren't, like you and I. We're the square pegs trying to fit into the round holes.

And you know as well as I do that living a life that doesn't suit you just doesn't. feel. good.

It's like constantly swimming upstream, right? You can keep your head above water for awhile, but then eventually you reach the point of exhaustion and think, I just can't do this anymore.

And the good news is, you don't have to!

We are SO fortunate to live in a time where there are finally square holes for us to fit into. Technology has bred so many more opportunities for us than our parents and teachers ever had in their youth - therefore, the rules they set for us no longer apply.

It's time to make your own rules and create a life by your own design!

Imagine a life where you:

🔥 Wake up every morning energized and excited to start the day, and go to sleep every night feeling content and at peace

🔥 Aren't counting down til 5pm, or the weekend, or your next getaway, because you genuinely enjoy every day of your life

🔥 Do work that lights you up and actually makes the world a better place (whether it's working for your dream company, serving your community, running your own business, or freelancing)

🔥 Don't let money limit you or dictate your decisions anymore

🔥 Say YES to anything that excites you and makes you feel good, and NO to everything else (y'know, like all the "have to's" and "shoulds") 

All of this and more is possible for you!

If you're ready to claim it and create a life that truly excites you, you're exactly where you're supposed to be right now.

I invite you to join me in the Life Design Studio, a deeply transformative online course that will guide you through the process of creating an incredible life by your own design.


By The End Of This Course,

You Will Have…


  • Gotten off autopilot and become more present

    You're no longer sleepwalking through life, doing the same things and thinking the same thoughts on repeat. Now, you're AWAKE and acting with intention.
  • Created a vision for your dream life that excites you

    You're clear on what you value and what you want in life and you're not willing to settle for anything that's not aligned with that.
  • Defined clear goals and developed habits to support you in achieving them

    No longer in overwhelm, you know exactly what you need to do to bring your dream life to fruition, and you've committed to goals and habits to help get you there.
  • Overcome your fears and limiting beliefs

    You're aware of the thought and behavior patterns that have been keeping you stuck and playing small in life, and you're working through them so that there's nothing holding you back from your dream life.
  • Gotten out of survival mode

    Your life is no longer about doing all the things you "have to" do just to get by; now, you're doing more of what you want to do and saying no to anything that won't help you achieve your vision.
  • Become the best version of yourself

    It's not about the life you create; it's about the person you become on that journey. You're well on your way to becoming the best version of yourself yet: the person you need to be to make your dream life a reality.










Meet Your Instructor

Hey, I'm Lindsay!

I'm a full time travel blogger and freelancer, a dual American/Australian citizen, and live in a caravan road tripping around Australia.

My life wasn't always this magical, though. 

I was an exceptionally bright child, reading chapter books in kindergarten, devouring logic puzzle books for fun, and excelling in school. I loved to learn and a lot of things came easily to me.

      Next thing I know, I'm on the fast track to achieving the American Dream.

I was placed into a rigorous honors program in high school, where I spent 4 years studying subjects I mostly hated (except for math!) and sacrificing all my free time on homework and extracurriculars. I was miserable.

Somehow the goal became getting into the best university possible, so that I could get the best job possible, so that I could make a lot of money and... live happily ever after?

I didn't think I had any other option, so I put my head down, worked hard, and prayed for the light at the end of the tunnel.

I did everything I was supposed to. I got top grades in school, attended an ivy league university, and scored a job at an investment bank in NYC before I even graduated.

But I never took the time to figure out what I wanted in life.

As a result, I was unhappy, misaligned, and $100,000 in student loan debt.

I didn't work this hard just to spend my days sitting inside a cubicle, doing work that made no difference in the world, waiting for the clock to strike 5pm, did I? 

After 2 years, I reached my breaking point and quit my job to do some soul searching.

My next job, I quit to backpack around Asia for 5 months.

And the job after that, I quit to move to Australia.

Nearly 10 years later, I'm still Down Under and living a life younger Lindsay never dreamed of.

It's never too late to change your life.

I want you to know that it's ok to quit things, or to veer off the path you're expected to follow. You don't have to keep trying to fit into the box you've been placed in if it doesn't work for you.

You can be, do, and have anything you want. It's all possible!

I built the Life Design Studio to empower you to create a life by your own design.

Are you ready to go from surviving to thriving in life? 


What’s Inside The Life Design Studio

Module 1


In Module 1, you will focus on accepting where you are right now in life. This module is all about becoming more self- aware and setting the foundation for designing your dream life.

Once you complete this module, you will have gone from living on autopilot to being much more aware of why you are the way you are, and why your life is the way it is.

Module Highlights:

  • Uncover the stories you've been telling yourself that have kept you from living your dream life, and learn how to disprove and rewrite them so they no longer hold you back
  • Determine where you’re not taking full responsibility in your life and why, and what it’s costing you to have a victim mentality.

  • Learn about how the brain works and how you can train it to help you create your dream life.

  • Utilize personality tests to learn more about yourself, such as the gifts you possess or why you do what you do.

  • Explore your shadow side, identify your dark values, and learn how you can harness them to create your dream life.

  • Get honest about what is and isn’t working in your life, and complete a comprehensive life audit spreadsheet.

Module 2


In Module 2, you will get the creative juices flowing by trying lots of new things and brainstorming your dream life. This module will take you from being aimless in life, to feeling inspired to design a life you love.

Once you complete this module, you will have a clear vision for the life you want to design for yourself, which is in line with your values.

Module Highlights:

  • Craft a vision for your dream life, which will guide your actions going forward.

  • Identify your top values and determine whether they support or conflict with your vision, and whether you need to value anything else in order to achieve your vision.

  • Uncover the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from living an abundant life, learn how to move from scarcity to abundance, and start upgrading your life.

  • Determine what you don’t want, learn a lot more about what you DO want, and expand your vision so that it’s even bigger.

Module 3


In Module 3, you will start designing and creating your dream life. This module will take you from feeling stuck and unclear, to being empowered to create your life by design.

Once you complete this module, you will have defined clear goals, implemented new habits, and faced your fears.

Module Highlights:

  • Declutter your life and make room for what you really want.

  • Figure out what new identity you must take on in order to create your dream life.

  • Determine what new habits you must develop and which old habits you must get rid of in order to take on the identity needed for your dream life.

  • Commit to 1-3 goals in 90 days, figure out what exactly you need to do to achieve each goal, and implement a tracking system.

  • Face your fears, reframe failure, and make peace with your worst case scenario.











When You Enroll Today, You’ll Get:


The Life Design Studio

(A $1500 Value)


  • A self-paced course that guides you on a transformational journey:

    Containing 15 no-fluff video lessons with accompanying homework assignments that will take you from surviving to thriving in life.

    • From Autopilot to Self Aware

      You're no longer scrolling or sleepwalking through life, letting the same thoughts and actions run on loop each day. Now you're aware of what's been holding you back, and what gifts and qualities you possess that you can harness to design a life you love.
    • From Aimless to Inspired

      Instead of succumbing to a life that doesn't suit you because you don't know what else to do, you're now inspired by endless possibilities and excited to design your life.
    • From Stuck to Empowered

      You know what you want your dream life to look at; now, instead of waiting for "someday", you know exactly what you need to do to bring your dreams to life.
  • Access to a private community of likeminded people who are also pursuing their dream life

    You'll be able to connect with fellow students and ask me any questions you have about the course material.

Plus These Bonuses To Help You Design
The Best Life Possible For Yourself:

Bonus 1

Human Design For Life Design

Uncover your unique energetic blueprint and learn how to live in accordance with your human design and leverage your strengths you were born with to design the life of your dreams.

If you've ever looked at your human design chart, you were likely confused and overwhelmed by it at first glance. With this handy guide by your side, you'll be able to decipher all of the shapes, lines, and numbers on it quickly and easily.

(A $200 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • A 100+ page PDF guide to understanding your human design chart. It includes a concise explanation for each aspect of the chart, as well as details on all of the possible options for them.
  • Several thought-provoking worksheets to help you extract the most important information from your chart, interpret and reflect upon it, and utilize your unique gifts to create your dream life.
Bonus 2

10 Steps To Overcoming Anxiety

A masterclass by mind and body health coach, Peter Majic.

This video tells the story of how Peter went from living with his parents until age 33 while battling anxiety, depression, and addiction... to starting a coaching business and traveling full time. 

It also highlights the exact steps he took to overcome anxiety disorder and create his dream life completely on his own, without medication or therapy - so that you can do it too. 

(A $300 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • A one-hour video outlining 10 steps to overcoming anxiety so that you can create your dream life.

Enroll in the Life Design Studio Today

2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Or Upgrade & Take Life Design To The Next Level

The Life Design Studio is a self-guided course, designed to be completed at your own pace and in your own time. It's doable no matter where you are in the world and what your schedule's like.

However, if you want someone in your corner supporting you and holding you accountable for doing the work so that you get the most out of your investment, the VIP option is for you.

As a Life Design Studio VIP, you'll get everything included with the course enrollment option, PLUS a human design reading as well as a 60-minute 1:1 coaching session over Zoom with Lindsay, who's a certified NLP Practitioner.

On this call, you'll be able to ask questions, get personalized feedback, and work through anything that's holding you up as you complete + implement the course work. Think of it as a cross between office hours and life coaching.

Become a VIP and receive:

✔️ Enrollment in the Life Design Studio + all the bonuses

✔️ A human design reading (note that you must provide your date, time, and place of birth in order to generate an accurate human design chart)

✔️ One 60-minute 1:1 coaching call with Lindsay

✔️ More guidance, accountability, and feedback so you can create your dream life FASTER and more EASILY

2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Risk-Free 90-Day Money Back Guarantee

I'm so confident that you will find immense value in the Life Design Studio that I offer a risk-free money back guarantee.

If, within 90 days of your course enrollment date, you've completed the course and are unsatisfied with it, you can request a refund. All I ask is that you show me you've done all the work!

To be eligible for a refund, you must have completed every video lesson and homework assignment in the course.

To request a refund, e-mail me at [email protected] and include proof of your completed homework assignments. You'll be refunded in full, no questions asked.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Life Design Studio - $1500 Value

Plus these bonuses:

  • Human Design for Life Design - $200 Value
  • 10 Steps To Overcoming Anxiety - $300 Value

Total Bonus Value: $500

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $2000!

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Or Upgrade & Take Life Design To The Next Level


Become a VIP and receive:

✔️ Enrollment in the Life Design Studio + all the bonuses

✔️ A human design reading (note that you must provide your date, time, and place of birth in order to generate an accurate human design chart)

✔️ One 60-minute 1:1 coaching call with Lindsay

✔️ More guidance, accountability, and feedback so you can create your dream life FASTER and more EASILY


2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of












Frequently Asked Questions

Enroll in the Life Design Studio Today

2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Or Upgrade & Take Life Design To The Next Level


Become a VIP and receive:

✔️ Enrollment in the Life Design Studio + all the bonuses

✔️ A human design reading (note that you must provide your date, time, and place of birth in order to generate an accurate human design chart)

✔️ One 90-minute 1:1 coaching call with Lindsay

✔️ More guidance, accountability, and feedback so you can create your dream life FASTER and more EASILY


2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of












Still Thinking About It?


The Life Design Studio is PERFECT for you if you're… 

✓ Tired of scrolling Instagram and feeling jealous of other people's amazing-looking lives

✓ Stuck in an unfulfilling job or daily routine that doesn't bring you much joy

✓ Unsure of what you want to do in life, but know that where you are now is NOT where you want to be

✓ Reading all the books and taking all the tests that are meant to help you find your purpose or calling in life... yet you still have no idea

✓ Scared to make a change in your life, but willing to work through the fear and make some big moves

✓ Ready to roll up your sleeves and do the WORK 

✓ Committed to doing whatever it takes to make your dream life happen

I can’t WAIT for you to join the Life Design Studio!

This is the course I wish I'd had to guide me through my transition from Corporate American cubicle dweller to digital nomad.

I spent YEARS of my life contemplating this major life change, but constantly talked myself out of it because of the student loans I was paying off. Each time I said no to my crazy dream of traveling the world long-term, I was saying no to myself - and that didn't feel good.

If only I had known what awaited me on the other side of this scary decision!

Are you ready to design your new life? 

The Life Design Studio is for anyone who dares to dream of a better life for themselves, but doesn't quite know how to make it happen, or doesn't believe it's possible.

Whether you dream of running your own business, traveling the world, being in a loving relationship, owning a home, being fit and healthy, or landing your dream job - this course will help you get there. 

Are you on the fence? 

If you've made it this far, guess what: that means something. You know there's much more out there for you and you're finally ready to go for it.

And if your heart is pounding right now as you think about clicking that 'enroll' button, then you're exactly where you're meant to be right now. On the other side is everything you need to make your dreams come true.

Whatever your dream, the Life Design Studio is the tool you need to make it a reality. And remember, this offer is risk-free with our money back guarantee. You have absolutely nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain by enrolling today. 

I'll see you inside!


- Lindsay

Enroll in the Life Design Studio Today

2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Or Upgrade & Take Life Design To The Next Level


Become a VIP and receive:

✔️ Enrollment in the Life Design Studio + all the bonuses

✔️ A human design reading (note that you must provide your date, time, and place of birth in order to generate an accurate human design chart)

✔️ One 60-minute 1:1 coaching call with Lindsay

✔️ More guidance, accountability, and feedback so you can create your dream life FASTER and more EASILY


2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of
